Finances - Christ Church Staines

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As a new Parish finances are a huge issue for us.

First of all:

We need to cover the cost of  church repairs, heating, insurances, cleaning, hall maintenance, office costs. A proportion of the budget is set aside for mission.


The Common Fund – our contribution to the Diocese which pays for the all the diocesan support we receive, the Vicar’s stipend, housing and training. Part of having our own Vicar is raising money to pay for this ministry.

As a Church we would encourage all our members to give 10% of their income to God through the church, but we recognise it is a personal decision.
There is no law that Christians ought to give a tenth. The New Testament encourages us to give out of love for God, not to fulfil some legal obligation. However, since most Christian work needs regular, committed financial support, giving a percentage of income makes good sense.

The reality is that in 2019 the church cost about £2.600 per month and we received about £2,600 per month in giving. We  have been heavily subsidised by the Diocese and the true cost is nearer £8,400 a month!
Christ Church
Warwick Avenue
TW18 1DP
To Contact Us:
Telephone: 07756 741820
Site last updated 16:37 - 03/07/2024
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